Make a Book of Short Stories - by Your Students

Let your students experience the thrill of becoming published authors. 

Participants will receive an invaluable learning experience and a bookstore-quality copy of the book - all for the price of a book. 

Turn your students into published authors.

Guided by author Ander Louis, students will create their own short story narratives during a series of workshops. Your stories and illustrations will be published in an anthology book to keep! 

Complete at your own pace

Unbeatable value for money


Q: How does it work?
A: During enrolment, the school sets a Submission Deadline. This is the date you are working towards to submit one story and one illustration per participant.

Q: How do we submit our stories and illustrations?
A: Via an online portal, where each participant will complete a short webform. 

Q: How do we complete the program?
A: Your cohort will be guided through a series of four checkpoints, which can be scheduled at your own pace. Each checkpoint includes a video lesson, explaining relevant tasks to be completed before the next checkpoint. 

Q: What are the 4 checkpoints?
Checkpoint 1: Creating a story plan
Checkpoint 2: Writing your first draft
Checkpoint 3: How to edit and proofread
Checkpoint 4: Cover illustrations

Q: How long should we allow for each checkpoint?
A: We suggest at least 2 weeks between each checkpoint. More time is encouraged, so students can take their time. 

Q: Do we need to complete the checkpoints?
A: The checkpoints are optional, but they offer a story writing masterclass for your students. We recommend making time for those valuable lessons. However, if you are ready to publish now, you can skip straight to story submission.